Holidays are all about traditional dishes on the table which, thanks to their taste and smell, bring pleasant moments to mind. During Easter, apart from fluffy pound cakes and the obligatory egg, aromatic pâté is also very important. Perhaps every year you prepare it based on a proven recipe that has been kept in your family for generations. That’s great! However, we encourage you to try something completely new this time. You can find some inspirations for a tasty Easter pâté in our article.

For meat lovers

The classic version of homemade pâté is prepared on the basis of various types of meat. Many people believe that such a meal is the most filling and at the same time the most delicious. We can choose the ingredients according to our preferences: some people like a delicate poultry pâté, while others prefer more pronounced pork, and there are also those who love combining several different types of meat. However, it is worth remembering that even if we like diet-friendly dishes, it is important to use fairly fatty pieces of meat or add lard or bacon to our pâté. Only then will this festive meal have the right texture and it will be much easier to cut. It is also important to use a variety of spices that determine the final flavour and aroma. Apart from salt and pepper, which we use for most dishes, it is also worth trying something completely new, such as coriander or ginger. This combination will allow us to surprise our guests at the Easter table.

Vegetable composition

However, holiday pâté does not have to be only associated with meat. We can also prepare an excellent composition based on various vegetables, both seasonal or those we like best. The vegetarian option will work both for those who never eat meat and for those who want to try something new and surprising. What can we prepare for the upcoming holidays? A great proposition is a delicious buckwheat pâté with vegetables, combining health benefits and unique taste. We can also create holiday pâté based on nutritious lentils and dried Polish plums. This quite surprising composition combines a sweet and salty taste, which makes it very savoury. Another very popular version is the underrated celery pâté with the addition of mushrooms. It is moist, but solid and simply perfect for the upcoming holidays. Another option is white bean pâté, which is surprisingly creamy and, thanks to herbal ingredients, easy to digest and distinctive. Other inspirations are courgette pâté, which thanks to its beautiful colour fits perfectly to the spring atmosphere, as well as millet and carrot pâté, which works both as an everyday dish and a recipe for a holiday table. There are lots of different ideas. It is worth experimenting with these and other flavour combinations to see which dish we like best.

Meals for the little ones

In the family group, apart from adults, there are also little ones, who will also enjoy tasting the holiday pâté. With them in mind, it is worth preparing a slightly different dish, characterised by a more delicate taste and an even creamier consistency. An excellent basis for such a dish is chicken breast meat, but it must be fresh and free of antibiotics. The whole meal can be seasoned with salt, pepper and aromatic, but delicate marjoram. It is also recommended to add various vegetables, such as carrot, loved by most children. Such a holiday pâté can be the basis of a tasty sandwich or a snack during a break in playing.

Important notes

Aby wielkanocny pasztet zachwycał swoim smakiem, warto pamiętać o kilku ważnych zasadach. Okazuje się, że danie jest lepsze jeśli pieczemy je w tzw. kapieli wodnej, podobnie jak wiele serników. Takie przygotowanie sprawia, że jego konsystencja jest wyjątkowo puszysta i delikatna, a efekt końcowy - niesamowity. Warto też pamiętać, że jeśli po świętach zostaną nam jakieś resztki, możemy je z powodzeniem zamrozić. Pasztet, czy to na bazie mięsa, czy warzyw, doskonale znosi ten sposób konserwacji i zachowuje swoje walory smakowe. A co wtedy, gdy po połączeniu wszystkich składników, masa okazuje się zbyt sucha lub zbyt wodnista? Aby poprawić konsystencję pasztetu, możemy w zależności od potrzeb dodać do niego nieco wywaru z gotowania mięsa lub pokruszoną czerstwą bułkę.